Technical Support FAQ

Q: My name does not appear correctly in the application form and/or my web browser seems to have autofilled the wrong field for my name. How do I fix it?
A:  Within the application portal, click on “Account Information” in the left menu. You may edit your name, password, security question, etc.

Q: I started an application, but no longer wish to apply. How do I cancel my application?
A: If you have not submitted your application, there is nothing further you need to do. If you entered referees, please let them know to ignore the email with instructions to upload their letters. If you submitted your application already, email and a staff person will make sure that your application is not processed.

Q: Are the page-limit requirements for uploaded documents strictly enforced? Will my application be considered if I exceed the page limits?
A: We are strict about the page limits for all uploaded documents. Documents must adhere to the page limits and formatting requirements to be reviewed. You should therefore be sure to check that your uploaded document(s) does not exceed the limits and edit as necessary.

Q: My documents looked fine on my computer, but after I uploaded it all the formatting has changed and made it difficult to read. Why did this happen and how can I fix it? Will this affect the review of my application?
A: Our system converts your uploaded document to Adobe™ Portable Document Format (PDF). Slight variations in formatting are a by-product of the conversion process. Our reviewers are aware of this, and slight irregularities will not affect the review of your application. To avoid problems in the conversion process, you should use simple formatting insofar as possible. You can check your original document as follows:
•Using the "show formatting" function in your document editing software, look for formatting that might have created problems, such as hard returns at the end of each line, text included in tables, diacritical marks, footnotes or endnotes, unnecessary page or section breaks, etc.
•Delete unnecessary formatting and try uploading your document again. If you continue to have problems and feel that your document is difficult to read, contact for assistance.

Q: My upload includes non-English language characters. Will the system support these?
A: The PDF conversion software used by ACLS does not support all non-English language characters. If your proposal includes such characters, please view the PDF after uploading to be sure the characters appear properly. You can convert your document to PDF and upload again if you have access to Adobe Acrobat™ (the PDF-creation software, not Acrobat Reader™) or any other conversion software which better supports non-English language characters.

Q: There is some formatting that I feel is essential to my upload (for example, diacritical marks or footnotes) but that seems to cause problems in the converted document. What can I do?
A: If you are unable to resolve the formatting problems, try converting your document to PDF and uploading it again. (See above.)

Q: I added page numbers to my document, but when I view the uploaded document the formatting has changed.
A: We recommend that you use the "header/footer" function for page numbering. If you have tried this and the formatting still does not work, you may omit page numbering.

Q: I uploaded multiple pieces of the required documents--such as narrative statement, bibliography, and publications list--on the application form, but when I went to print out my application, only one part of it showed up on the PDF document. Did the other documents ever get uploaded, or do I need to try again?
A: For most applications the components of your upload (for example, proposal, bibliography, and publications list) should be collated to upload as one single, continuous document. If you try to upload separate documents, each will replace the one previously uploaded. Please combine the separate documents into one document, and then upload again. Note, however, that a couple of programs do require more than one upload, so be sure to read each program's instructions carefully.

Q: I uploaded the file of my document yesterday but the website is not showing that it has been successfully uploaded. The following message is displayed on the screen: FILE BEING PROCESSED. Should I try to upload it again?
A: First try refreshing the page. If your document has been uploaded, the file name should appear under "FILE UPLOADED" as a link. You can confirm that the file has uploaded successfully by clicking on that link and viewing your file. If the link does not appear, then try uploading your document again. If it fails to upload the second time, our system may be having difficulty converting your document. Contact and attach a copy of your document; if necessary, we will manually convert it for you.

Q: I would like to upload a new version of my document and delete the old one. Can I do that?
A: As long as your application remains "In Process," you may upload new/revised versions of documents simply by repeating the upload process and selecting the document you wish to upload. (It does not matter if it has the same or a different file name.) When you click "Upload Files," the new document version will be uploaded and the old version will be erased.

Q: I cannot print my application. When I click the View/Print Application button, the PDF document comes up on the screen, but when I try to print it I get a message saying it cannot print.
A: There may be an issue with the computer you are using. Please try another computer or make sure that you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader™ or other PDF-viewing software/browser plug-ins installed. (This software is required for viewing PDF files and is available free of charge.)

Q: I submitted my application unintentionally and/or wish to go back and correct or add to what I entered, but the system will not let me. What do I do?
A: As long as the application deadline has not yet passed, you may email and a staff person will be able to “un-submit” your application so you can continue to work on it. Please do not forget to submit it (again) when you are done.